A review by loverofromance
Night Shift by Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Lisa Shearin


This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceMy Review

Night Shift is a anthology of four different authors: Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Lisa Shearin, Milla Vane. Now I read the first two books, but the last two didn't hold my interest so I set those aside fairly quickly.

Secrets At Midnight was my favorite out of the two novellas that I was able to read. Nalini Singh to this day is one of my favorite authors to read and she conquers novella's like no other author I have seen. They always seem to have emotional depth that is rare to find in novella's. We have in Secrets At Midnight, is Bastien Smith's story. Bastien is a powerful feline changeling. When he scents his mate, he is drawn, however he can't seem to find her. He searches for her everyone. But one night he finds his elusive mate. A  feline shifter herself but doesn't know it. But she isn't any feline, she is a canadian lynx. Her parents died when she was just a child and was raised by other caretakers. Kirby, smart and talented but has no clue of her true heritage. All she knows is that something strange is happening to her and Bastien in her rock through it all. The romance between Bastien and Kirby is tender yet powerful. I really loved seeing these two together. The emotions are quite vividly painted in this story, especially towards the end.


In Magic Steals, we see a romance between Jim and Dali. Jim, is a jaguar shapeshifter with power and influence. Jim and Dali have been dating for a while but have been keeping it secret. Dali doesn't expect anything permenant to happen with Jim. To Dali, he is so above her in rank and status, that she knows he could never have any real interest in her. But while on the hunt to find a missing woman, sparks fly betwen Jim and Dali and we see that their relationship is very "real". Jim is quite patient with Dali and I liked seeing these two work through some issues while fighting along side each other. Quite fun to see a happy ending for Jim.

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