A review by additionaddiction
An Airship Named Desire by Katherine McIntyre


While reading this story I had to stop and really think if I'd ever read any other steampunk books before. I'm pretty sure the only other book I've read set in a steampunk world was [b:Bone Song|874977|Bone Song (Tristopolis, #1)|John Meaney|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1179103208s/874977.jpg|1726064] and that was half steampunk half gothic and more of an alternate reality.

An Airship Named Desire seemed to take place in a "what could be" future of steampunk. I think I'd actually call this "steampunk-lite" because there was just enough of it to set the stage but no so much that you felt like you might get run over by a giant steam-powered arachnid at any moment.

I think my biggest complaint with the book is that it was too short. Just about when the climax was occurring I realized that I was pretty invested in these characters. It seems like the author may have left the plot somewhat open for a possible sequel? I'd love to find out more of the history of their world and learn the subtleties that lead to such a different future than what we would imagine now.

One good thing about the story being short(er) is that it doesn't lack for action. I don't think a single chapter goes by without a cutlass being drawn or a gun being reloaded. And actually, this may not have been that short of a story, I read the Kindle version and I have a hard time gauging the length of stories when I read on there (except for [b:Existence|13039884|Existence|David Brin|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1326053679s/13039884.jpg|18203750] which was the last book I read and was way, way too long).

There's a lot of other things I'd like to mention, but they'd almost all be spoilers, and I generally try not to have spoilage in my reviews. One thing I will say, not really spoiling anything, is that I'm always a sucker for good logos/symbols in stories, and when a certain organization's insignia was described I immediately thought "That'd be a cool tattoo."

So all-in-all a very enjoyable read. If there happens to be a "Return of An Airship Named Desire" I'll definitely be picking up a copy.