A review by prosewhore
Awful Auntie by David Walliams


I am on a bit of a David Walliams kick as one of my dearest -and youngest- friends lent me a few of his. I truly enjoyed "Awful Auntie". I usually go through this writer's work with a bit of a smirk on my face and marvel at his ingenuously funny twists and so I am mostly analysing it as I read, because of course these are children's book and I sadly happen to be a grown up. This time however I was truly caught up in the storyline and of course certain aspect of it weren't very plausible (the fact that the main character befriends a ghost isn't the weirdest thing here) but I wanted to believe.
It nearly got a few tears out of me. I enjoy that the story in itself is very sad and quite dark (several murders level of dark) but yet its funny the whole way through. There is just the right dosage of each emotions and as usual the illustrations are just delightful.
I keep my five stars for the best of bests, the life changing books and those that got me drowning in my feels and it's not quite up there but given the age group it's aiming at, 4 stars is pretty damn good already.