A review by booksbasilbabies
Even If We Break by Marieke Nijkamp


I grabbed this book off a shelf at a local store without checking the reviews first. When I did, I kinda hesitated and felt maybe a little silly about buying it, seeing as how many people really didn’t like it.

To my shock? I LOVED IT. I read it in under two hours cover to cover. Maybe it’s because I play D&D, maybe it’s because of the characters or the writing style, I don’t know. What I do know: this book actually SURPRISED me. I honestly didn’t see the climax coming at all or understand the villain behind it until it was revealed—and I honestly loved the entire thing surrounding the reveal and the characters’ discovery. It was actually really beautiful and eerie and unnerving.

All in all? Call me weird but I really liked this one. A lot.