A review by shannon_cocktailsandbooks
Burning Midnight by Will McIntosh


This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I grabbed a copy of MIDNIGHT BURNING because I was looking for something that might catch my fourteen-year-old son's attention.

Will McIntosh created a world that had me intrigued from practically the first page of the book. I wondered what these mysterious spheres were? Where did they come from? And what kind of repercussions would the people of this New York City have to deal with from using the spheres? The author does a fantastic job of keeping a reader hooked on what Hunter and Sully do with the spheres, intriguing us further as we discover exactly what the spheres' purpose is and how Hunter, Sully, Dom and Mandy fight to save the world.

As the teens fight to save the world, they also form a tight bond. Sully and Dom were already best friend, but when you add Hunter (who was the loose cannon of the group) and Mandy, the dynamics often causes fighting. But when push came to shove, they discovered they would all stand by each others sides. In the end, the knew who they could trust with their lives.

I enjoyed this book, which I then quickly walked to my son's room and told him he had to read it. It had some great twists and turns, making it hard to put down.