A review by shaysshelf
Girls with Bad Reputations by Xio Axelrod

Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
I found myself struggling with this book, ultimately deciding to DNF it at the 29% mark. Having enjoyed the audiobook of the first installment, "The Girl With Stars in Her Eyes," I was eager for the opportunity to listen to the sequel, "Girls with Bad Reputations." Unfortunately, it did not resonate with me as I had hoped.

While the book wasn't inherently "bad" — the writing flowed well, and it encompassed the tropes I typically enjoy — the pace was dragging. Despite making multiple attempts to listen, I couldn't shake the sense that the story was progressing too slowly for my taste. As a mood reader, I considered that perhaps my mindset wasn't aligned with the book's atmosphere during my initial attempts. However, my struggles continued after setting it aside and coming back after reading something else. 

Perhaps at some point I will come back and try this one again, but as of right now I just couldn't get into it.

The narration was very smooth, however it didn't keep me engaged. I often found myself getting distracted while listening and having to rewind the book to relisten to what I missed.