A review by paddlefoot55
The Best Kind of Trouble by Lauren Dane


Copy received from publisher via Netgalley for an honest review.

I have said it before and I will say it again, I love Lauren Dane's work, and I am looking forward to the Hurley Boys series.

Loved Patrick "Paddy" Hurley from the minute we first meet him at the coffee shop. There was just something about him that drew me right in.

Natalie Clayton is the local librarian with a history with the sexy rocker. I liked her, I did, but gees louise I really wanted to slap some sense into her and tell her to get living in the now, and to get her head out of the past.

There was a bit of overkill with the "buttons" getting pushed. Yes they both had triggers that set them off, but we didn't need to hear about them every single time. We got it (at least I did, this might not bother anyone else!)

Loved the Hurley family. Patrick's brothers are all fantastic in their own way. Got a bit of a soft spot for big bro Ezra, and can't wait to get more into his story. Especially need to know what is happening with him and Nat's best friend Tuesday!

Was great that we got to see Adrian Brown again too.

Looking forward to the next in the Hurley Brothers series.

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