A review by darthmadison
Ophelia by Lisa M. Klein


I have mixed feelings on this book. I really, really enjoyed the middle chunk. I loved reading about Hamlet and Ophelia before Hamlet goes crazy. Their banter is perfect and witty and amazing. Horatio as always is a pleasure and a much needed character. I love how Ophelia has her space to tell why she's into Hamlet especially as he pretends/is crazy to trick his uncle into revealing he killed his dad. I love how Ophelia's really fleshed out, she makes her own choices, and really wants a mom. It's so pure

But this book could have been at least 150 pages shorter. The beginning chunk with her growing up did not need to be that detailed. The ending after she ran away, the whole nun chunk could have been skipped to where Horatio shows up at the end. Perfect.

Dare i say it, but i think i enjoyed the movie better than this book. It's more concise, the characters are wittier. The characters she created aren't in it as much which is fine by me. I don't think they added a lot to the story. I did like how Metchild and Gertrude are sisters to beat home the men are terrible theme.

I wish Ophelia would have thought at least once about Horatio before he showed up at the end in a way that would tell us how her feelings toward him have changed. But i really liked the ending.