A review by faethality
The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia

Did not finish book.


DNF at 60 pages, yes page 60. I couldn't even make it to 100 pages. I almost NEVER have this problem, even with books that I am really not liking (like Dear Edward) I still try and plow through so I can write a genuine review but I just can't make it any farther in this book.
I really wanted to like this book because the reviews are overwhelming good but it is just not for me.

I am confused. I have no clue what is going on. And I know that sometimes when you first start a new book you might not 100% everything going on but I don't normally have this problem with books that are set in our actual world because the author isn't creating something new that has to explain or setting up a magic system type thing. I normally can just jump right in and go through it but I genuinely have no idea what is going on. I don't know who is narrating or if it even a who or just an overall narrator. It seems like an actual person narrating sometimes and then like its not other times. Every chapter has something different going on with no explanation of the context and just jumped right in.

I read some other reviews that say it gets really good in the second half but I shouldn't have to read through the whole first half to get to the "good" part.

One thing I will say about this book that I did like is that the writing itself is super good, the imagery is beautiful and had the story been more compelling and less confusing I would have probably read more.

I'm just disappointed, but I think if you are willing to plow through the first half than the writing is still beautiful enough to try.