A review by madameroyale
Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith


I love Betty Smith’s writing, so I think I was always going to love this book, but the first few chapters were quite trying. I find it so odd that this book is marketed as a story of true love triumphing against all odds, when the opening thirty pages contain multiple scenes of attempted marital rape by the husband against the main character.

I’ve rarely ever hated a character as much as I hate Carl in this book. But what I loved about the novel is Annie: her resilience, kindness, and hopefulness. It goes without saying that she deserved so much more in a partner, but it is gratifying to see a young woman finding her independence and success in spite of a condescending and paternalistic husband. She got as happy of a happy ending as could be hoped for under the circumstances of the time period.

What I love most about Betty Smith is how she manages to convey such simple and everyday things as wonderful and special. This book makes for an incredibly frustrating read in the 21st century, sure, but it’s still very well done. I love a plain, old novel about people’s daily lives and struggles and that’s just what this is. Seemingly simple and yet it still hits you with these moments of deep introspection every few dozen pages.

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