A review by calila
Dirty Dining by E.M. Lynley


*A copy of this book was provided by the author for free, in exchange for an honest review.*
*Some spoilers below*
Jeremy is a brilliant PHD student in need of funds, who takes a job as a server at a "special" dinner club. Brice is a lawyer whose new firm frequents the club. Brice is Jeremy's first server, and sparks fly right away. But how do you navigate a relationship when you only have a client/john relationship? Can you? What happens when life throws you a curve ball and you're responsible for your boyfriend's project's loss of funding?

This is a high three star for me. I really did enjoy it. Both characters are pretty likable, though neither are perfect. Brice puts his foot in this mouth a lot when trying to figure out if they are boyfriends or not. Jeremy jumps to a lot of conclusions and is a little naive for an almost 30 year old. I really loved all the "dining" scenes. Really smoking hot. The middle of the story drags a bit. I think this book could've been shorter(lose a couple sex scenes, there are a LOT) and you wouldn't lose any "story". I wish Jeremy had more time to explore the club a little before finding Brice. Though they do have chemistry right away, you can feel the connection. I do want to know more about some side characters (MR SKY BLUE PLEASE), while a few others just irked me(*coughKitcough*).

Overall it was reasonably enjoyable, if a little slow with likable characters and sizzling scenes.