A review by pressed_flower_books
Possession by Katie Lowe


Man, this book was a fuckin' BUMMER

"Possession" (also titled "The Murder of Graham Catton") follows Hannah, a woman who lost her husband 10 years ago in a grizzly murder. She has been living her life as best she can since then and has found new love and a stable life for her daughter when Conviction, a podcast designed around investigating crimes, begins digging into the murder of her husband all over again. Hannah and her family are thrown into a maelstrom of media attention, accompanied by rising suspicions that Hannah herself might know more than she lets on about the night of her husband's death.

Poor Hannah. Poor, poor girl. The amount of tragedy and horror that this woman has to go through it insane (so insane that by the end I was rolling my eyes a bit). Let's go through them:

Hannah works as a doctor for patients with mental health problems. At her first hospital, a patient in her care is able to commit suicide due to a mistake Hannah made.

That mistake is made because her boss, Dan, was sexually harassing her at work. When she tries to call him on his behavior, he threatens to speak to Graham, her husband, and get her in trouble.

Graham, meanwhile, is abusive to her both mentally and physically. She lives in terror of him.

On her wedding day, Graham's father sexually assaults her by kissing her and sticking his tongue in her mouth. Dan references this incident as common knowledge and mocks her for it.

Her husband is finally killed (which, honestly, is the only good thing that happens to her in this book) but only after he drugged her and left her to drown in the bathtub.

Hannah lives in fear of becoming her grandmother, who attempted to murder who whole family with carbon monoxide (Hannah's mother lived, but died at 39 due to complications from breathing in the CO as a child).

In modern day Conviction reopens the case of Graham's murder, dragging Hannah and her family into the center of the media and making them targets for hateful abuse online.

Hannah's daughter, Evie, grows up to be a massive bitch and doles out casual cruelty throughout the book.

She is temporarily let go from her job because of the media attention from the podcast.

People vandalize Hannah's home with graffiti and call her cell phone to spout hate at her after her information is released online.

Another of Hannah's patients dies while she is away from her job.

It turns out that Sarah, her best friend, was sleeping with Graham behind her back when they were married. Sarah also went to Conviction to give testimony against Hannah, revealing that she was recording their private conversations.

Sophie, the sister of the girl that died, is reveled to be the mastermind behind much of the greif Hannah has been through and kidnaps Evie. She stabs Hannah in the leg with a screwdriver and nearly drugs Evie to death.

Dan, her partner, is murdered by Sophie the Psychobitch.

Hannah ends up in prison for multiple crimes that she did not commit.

So basically, this incredibly intelligent woman is gaslit by everyone around her into thinking that she is insane, then locked up for crimes she did not committ. This book has zero justice and just ends on an incredibly bleak picture of Hannah in prison. This one was a major let down for me.