A review by novelesque_life
Someday Is Now: Clara Luper and the 1958 Oklahoma City Sit-Ins by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich


2018; Seagrass PressQuarto Group

Someday is Now is a biographical/historical picture book about social justice in America. There is so much that a kid can learn about in this book, as they are entertained with the story. As I read through it, it felt like a story about a superhero....and that's what it is. A young girl is told by her father that some day the world will be equal for all. As she watches the "some day" seem further apart. As an adult she begins to teach children what they can have some day, and realizes that someday needs to be today. I didn't know about Clara Luper, so I am going to search Wikipedia and look up some other things on this amazing hero.

***I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the publisher through Edelweiss. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.***