A review by meezcarrie
The Jazz Files by Fiona Veitch Smith


3.5 stars

“It’s what we call any story that has a whiff of high society scandal but can’t yet be proven … you never know when a skeleton in the closet might prove useful to a story we’re working on now.”

The Jazz Files is a British historical mystery with a unique setting and a unique cast of characters. Poppy Denby is a very likable heroine, a young woman from a sheltered background navigating her way through London at the height of the Roaring 20s. You can almost hear jazz playing as a soundtrack of sorts to her adventures, so vivid is the setting and mood.

The other characters are just as vibrant. Rollo – her boss at The Daily Globe, a small American with a large personality. Poppy’s Aunt Dot – still a bit of a diva in her own right. Delilah – Poppy’s best friend, an actress, modern and feisty but still vulnerable. And a hodgepodge of other colorful people we meet along the way.

As far as mysteries go, this one was full of suffragette history which added another layer of intrigue if you’re a history geek like I am. The pacing lagged a bit at times but overall this was well-plotted and well-played. Reading about the struggles that Aunt Dot and her suffragette friends faced in the past … and the battles any woman trying to break out of the traditional mold still faced … made me proud to be female and grateful for those who paved the way for the freedoms I take for granted today.

Bottom Line: Poppy Denby is a refreshing face in the historical mystery genre. She’s strong but feminine and she’s easy for any one to relate to, no matter your background or walk of life. Her newspaper job, her forays into the jazz scene, her aunt’s suffragette friends – all of these add further dimension to Poppy’s character and make the read that much more layered. Some of the history overpowers the plot in some instances, but overall it adds to it. The mystery, including the occasional switch to Elizabeth’s perspective, is typically British and while slow in parts it remains intriguing throughout.

Reviewer’s Note: As this book is written by a British author, it contains some words and themes which American readers may not be used to seeing in Christian fiction.

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower