A review by gudzilla
Blightborn by Chuck Wendig


ARC received in exchange of an honest review.

The story picks up where it has left on 1st part - Under the Empyrean Sky.
I was so excited to read on and was glad that I had entire series but as story continues, and switches between Cael and Gwennies minds alternatively, I found myself distracted. As soon as it gets nail biting exciting at Cael's end, author switches it to Gwennie's mind - bah! I know Chuck has to cover threads simultaneously but it leaves readers frustrated after every chapter. That is the reason it took me this long to finish it.

More cursing - seriously! Chuck's writing really takes huge affort to digest. For example -

The camera hangs limp now, like a dog's wounded paw.


Cael scowls. "Her being a girl doesn't matter. My girl back home could've kicked my ass three ways from a dog's day."

Unnecessary roughness. The entire novel progress like this.

At the end, after like 67%, things starts really exciting and I find it hard to put it down.
I already started with 'The harvest' so I want to know what is going to happen but mellower version of Chuck would be welcomed :)

I enjoyed love triangles between Cael - Gwennie - Barnes and Wanda - Cael - Gwennie, it gives more edge to story and conveys life's complexity.

But what is this - 'it is what it is'
Every few chapters, this phrase is being repeated like this is Chuck's favorite tag line and as soon as you forget that fact - here it is.
I have deducted 1 star for that because I don't enjoy repeating phrases on any novel. It really gets irritating.
So, Chuck can read this and can again say that 'Oh entire star deducted for that! But it is what it is' :D