A review by maddie_orart
Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch


Full review posted on Of Reading and Random Things

The thing with stories like this is we can always predict what will happen. I mean, yes the setting is different, the characters are different, the goals and objectives may be different, maybe there’s a plot twist or two we didn’t see coming, but we can always pick out similarities between one fantasy and another. That being said, does it mean I didn’t like Snow Like Ashes? No! I actually liked it a lot! I enjoyed reading it, I liked the characters and hated the ones I was supposed to hate, I was invested in the story and I wanted the good guys to win. I’m just saying, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.

While I really enjoyed Snow Like Ashes, I did find some things predictable. It wasn’t difficult to connect the dots after reading several chapters. There were some things that I don’t understand and some questions were left unanswered . Like why did Angra attack Winter in the first place? I think this was asked by someone in the book, but it wasn’t really answered. And why did Angra enslave all the Winterians in Spring and leave Winter uninhabited? It was mentioned in the book that Winter is a mining kingdom, so why not take advantage of that by making the Winterians get resources for Spring? Hopefully, in the next books I’ll finally know the answers. But other than that, I liked Snow Like Ashes a lot.

In the end, despite the minor issues I had, Snow Like Ashes was a good read, with a great story, likable characters, and highly imaginative worldbuilding. I’m definitely looking forward to reading the next books!