A review by katmullen
How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life by Lilly Singh


Definitely my favourite YouTuber book/biography I've read so far!

Lilly is such an inspiration to me and I found it so interesting reading about how she fought to be where she is now and her advice for Bawses-in-training to get there too.

I laughed so many times during this book! Two of my favourite comedic lines are: "Be like Santa, he always has presents" and "Rock climbing has always been on my bucket list". Now out of context they might sound strange, but in context they are hilarious!

There's so much inspiration in this book. I literally have a whole bunch of sticky notes sticking out of it marking my favourite parts and advice I want to remember. One of the pieces of advice that I already try to stick to and believe everyone should practice is: " Promote what you love, don't bash what you hate".

I feel like this book is super relevant to where I am in life right now. Especially when Lilly wrote: "If you're a college graduate who's struggling to find a job and is in a really bad financial situation". That's me! But this book isn't just relevant to poor college grads, there's so much wisdom packed into these 50 chapters that it's relevant to so many people!