A review by twerkingtobeethoven
SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police by Milo Yiannopoulos, Vox Day


"The perfect Queen of the SJWs – and she would be a queen, never a king – would be a mixed-race lesbian Swedish immigrant who was abused as a child by a conservative white Republican politician and kept as a sex slave by neo-Nazis with Confederate-flag tattoos prior to writing a bestselling novel about a fictionalized version of her terrible experiences, appearing on Oprah, and starring on a science fiction TV show popular with white nerds." Vox Day (I laughed really hard at that bit)

“Vox Day is one sick puppy.”
—Dr. P.Z. Myers, PhD
“Vox Day is a fascist mega-dickbag and less a human being than one long sequence of junk DNA.”
—Dr. Phil Sandifer, PhD
“I consider Vox Day one step, either direction, from certifiable.”
—Mike Resnick, science fiction author, 38-time Hugo Award nominee
“I think I have made my disgust with Vox Day and his Rabid Puppies clear.”
—George R. R. Martin, fantasy author, 19-time Hugo Award nominee
“Vox Day rises all the way to ‘downright evil’. ”
—Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Manager of Science Fiction, Tor Books, 15-time Hugo Award nominee
“Vox Day is a real bigoted shithole of a human being.”
—John Scalzi, three-time SFWA President and science fiction author, 9-time Hugo nominee
“Vox Day and his followers made it impossible for me to remain silent, keep calm, and carry on.”
—Connie Willis, science fiction author, 24-time Hugo Award nominee
“Vox Day set out to hurt the SF genre by damaging our award system.”
—David Gerrold, science fiction author, 4-time Hugo Award nominee
“The real burning question is, ‘what will Vox Day attack next?’”
—Charles Stross, science fiction author, 15-time Hugo Award nominee

What can I say? I always root for the underdog, hence FIVE FUCKING STARS.

Oh, before I forget, let me quote N.K. Jamisin:

«My father was afraid for me to come to Australia.

He mostly made jokes about it — “Good, you’ve got dredlocks, maybe they won’t think you’re Chinese”, stuff like that. But I know my father, and I know when the jokes have a serious undercurrent."
- See more at: http://nkjemisin.com/2013/06/continuum-goh-speech/

Well, thanx for the praise. Now fuck off, Jamisin.