A review by neshaisabookworms_book_review
The P Arrangement by R.L. Kenderson


I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book.
This is my honest review.

Steamy af, sexy, beautiful, emotional rollercoaster, and I loved every minute of the book. This is my favorite book of the series! Preston has replaced Dom, and that should tell you everything you need to know!

This book brought up a lot of feelings for me personally. It was kinda therapeutic which I know sounds weird when talking about a romance novel but romance novels are powerful and can 100% be life changing.

I had a high risk pregnancy and a traumatic birth experience and we also had a high needs infant all of which combined made my husband change his stance on more kids. He like Preston had some trauma I couldn’t understand and this book helped me to understand it! This book might very well have made me a better wife, how cool is that?!

Okay enough mushy and deep stuff let’s get on to the important things in this book like how Preston is the ULTIMATE BOOK HUSBAND! Honestly he reminds me so of my husband who I call my real life book boyfriend so I might be biased. The way he just commands Delaney’s body in a way nobody else can. He exudes BDE!!! He embodies what it means to be the whole package! From his swagger to his absolute love for his wife and child to his dirty talking, he is 100% THE MAN! Preston is now the standard that I measure other book boyfriends and book husbands against. WWPD is what I’ll be asking from now on!

Delaney is a goddess and I love her! She’s a competent, capable, strong, hard working, and a BAMF if I do say so myself. I want to be like her when I grow up!

Delaney and Preston will have you legit reading with one hand if you know what I mean