A review by djl
The Ranger of Marzanna by Jon Skovron

Did not finish book.
Thanks to NetGalley and Orbit Books for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of The Ranger of Marzanna. Sadly, because I couldn't finish the title, I can't provide a fair rating.

Lost interest at chapter 5. I wanted to give this title a fair shot, but I just couldn't get into Skovron's writing style as it felt like the story dragged almost from the beginning. This is something I've seen other readers make note of in their reviews, and personally, I just don't have the energy to put forth in that kind of pacing.

I will say that the one shining awesomeness of this book aside from the beautiful cover is Peppercorn who is featured on the cover. But alas, this awesome stallion wasn't enough for me to keep going.

P.S. Kind of wish there was an official "Attempted to Read" shelf on GR since that's where this would be placed.