A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
The Rise of the Raidin by Gabrielle Ragusi, Michaella Barnum, Susan Markloff


The Raise of the Raidin
Author: Susan L Markloff

In The Raise of the Raidin we meet Jennifer Monroe who is living a life as an unusual teenager.
Her ordinary teenage life is turned upside down when Jennifer finds out she's a hybrid.
To learn how to use her energy powers in the correct manner, she follows trainings in strict secrecy during the night while she goes to school during the day.

Her protectors who are called Zaheri have to show their powers when Jennifer her high school is attacked by a group of evil creatures. Their dreaded leader wreaks a massive havoc that also endangers Jennifer's loved ones. To protect herself ,her Zaheri and her school, Jennifer has no choice but to confess her double life.

How would her environment react when they find out that Jennifer is a hybrid? Will Jennifer ever be able to go back to her normal life?

The Raise of the Raidin is the first book in The Human-Born Era series. What surprised me about this book is how many fantasy creatures it contains. Dragons, werewolves and more follow each other in rapid succession during several moments in the book. Jennifer is a strong female protagonist who, despite her difficulties, tries to balance everything in her life.

I have to admit that the characters are my favorite part of the story. It was difficult for me to get into the storyline, this was partly because little about Jennifer's earlier life was described. Because of this, the part when Jennifer finds out she's a Hybrid came a bit out of the blue for me.

I found the mutual dialogues between the many characters too long-winded at times. I felt that the action only started halfway through the story, which made it difficult for me to keep my attention on the storyline at times.

I want to thank Booksirens and the author for the advanced reading copy.