A review by ilovegravy
The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli


I love how straightforward it was with implying this supposedly righteous idealogy of immorality.
I'm grateful it didn't feel like being force-fed with carefully organised old man's rambling. And I'm not at slightest amazed that "The Prince" perches on the highest branch of literature classics.

But in general.., I was bored and unmoved, alongside with constantly distracted by 'what's the point of reading this?' echoing in my mind.

Definitely a quarantine book. The best option for the worst scenario. Sadly, I picked it up not out of poor desperation, but with actual excitement and readiness. I had my hopes up for this one. They dissolved with the first 10 chapters.

In conclusion..

..sadly, your perception of the world order cannot be broadened by your OWN perception of the world order only in written.