A review by doods
Going Zero by Anthony McCarten


I was torn on whether to give this 3 stars of 4. The ending saved it for me but only a little. I was worried the author wouldnt make the correct choice to expose the government. The characters spent a good time hemming and hawing about it and at one point decide entirely not to expose the governments wrong doing. Later on the Main characters friend decides that he will expose them but fails to do so. Then Sam the main character decides to put aside the safety and future of all americans for her own personal gain of getting her husband back. Only then deciding to reveal what the government has been up to.

After debating with myself on this I've decided its just the main character that is unlikeable. The result of getting the information out is important and im glad the author agreed. The main character was just written as a selfish individual and decided to withhold the info until she got everything she wanted, letting the government continue to get away with it. I would have preferred the character to have to make the tough choice. Deciding that the good of the many was better than he own personal good.