A review by bonylegged
Very Far Away from Anywhere Else by Ursula K. Le Guin


I enjoyed this book very much, and I identified with Owen's difficulty to make friends. This book is about a MIT bound, science enthusiast, Owen Griffiths. He is very much alone, and very much afraid of his future. He doesn't know whether to conform or to be himself. His mom wants him to go to State and he wants to go to MIT and study Psychology with a Nobel Prize winner. He meet Natalie Fields, a quirky musician who dreams to become a composer. Together they help each other realize their dreams and they fall in love, even though they know will never be sexually compatible. The book was well written and it left me thinking. My only criticism is that Natalie seems like a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, and seems to be only there to help Owen embrace life and realize his full potential, as most quirky love interests are. (see: Lindsey Wells, Abundance of Katherines)