A review by jen_thetelltalebookclub
The Child of Auschwitz by Lily Graham


I would like to thank NetGalley and the publishing house, Bookouture, for providing an advanced copy for review. All thoughts and opinions written in this review are my own.

Eva is a young woman who finds herself pregnant while living in the horrible conditions of Auschwitz. She must do what she can to survive and give her child a chance at what she knows will be a better life.

I quickly fell in love with the characters in this book and especially the main character Eva. I have read many World War II Historical Fiction novels and I don’t recall a character with as much strength and resilience as Eva. I have read books with strong leads, but the difference with Lily Graham’s book was that I never felt Eva’s strength waver throughout the book. No matter what was thrown in her way, she had a very strong desire to survive and “we will survive this” was a statement made by Eva in the book during different situations that were before her. She was a source of strength for those closest to her as well. Her friendships with Sofie and Helga and her love for her husband, Michal, was heartwarming and I found myself moved to tears by reading about the things they had to do to survive the devastation of the Holocaust. I appreciated that the author wrote about a love interest, a friend that was around her age, and another friend that could have been her grandmother.

The story is mostly told in a present (1942) and past (1938) type of timeline. Ms. Graham shapes the back story of Eva and her friend Sofie which is necessary to the telling of the events that lead them to be in Auschwitz. I enjoyed the layout of the book and didn’t mind the back and forth as it was not difficult to keep up with.

If World War II Historical Fiction is your favorite genre, “The Child of Auschwitz” needs to make it on your list to read.