A review by ladydewinter
Daredevil, Vol. 14: The Devil, Inside and Out, Vol. 1 by Ed Brubaker, Stefano Gaudiano, Michael Lark, Frank D'Armata


I really loved Brian Michael Bendis' run on Daredevil. Usually I'd think it'd be hard to follow up, but since Ed Brubaker is one of my favorite comic book writers, I had high hopes for this, and I wasn't disappointed.

Following the events of earlier issues, Matt Murdock is now in prison because he's suspected of being Daredevil. The atmosphere in prison is tense, to say the least, and Brubaker and Michael Lark do a great job at conveying that tension. After his best friend is killed, Matt feels he has lost everything he's ever loved and we follow him on the dark paths that thought takes him. I am so, so fascinated by Daredevil as a character, even though I can't say why. But this fantastic and I'm not particularly happy I have to pace myself when it comes to buying the next issues. Then again, that way it'll last longer, right?