A review by minimoefoe
Carpe Corpus by Rachel Caine


[reread]it's been like 18 months since i reread the prev book for this reread so i can't say how much i like this book compared to the first few bc i can't remember that far back but this one is defo a banger

things i loved:
  • the amount of myrnin content
  • mr bishop is a good villain
  • things moved pretty quickly (tho idk if that's just bc i read it quick lmao)
  • sam </3
  • generally think frank collins is a prat (duh) but he was interesting in this book
  • mixed feelings about ada bc like, she is kinda annoying and bratty, but also who can blame her and she is pretty cool
  • and many other small things i cba to list

things i didn't love:
  • i feel like the ending felt a bit strange like okay why are we going from sam's funeral to claire being kidnapped by some guy idk. it wasn't bad by any means, just felt a bit tacked on for no reason
  •  idgaf about claire's parents. it makes sense that they're around and being overprotective and annoying but i could live without them and their dislike of shane does my head in ngl like get over it
  • idrc about jason tbh