A review by fmcfranny
Taming Demons for Beginners by Annette Marie


This book had me from page one till the very end. I mean I sat down to read for a bit and when I looked up next the book was done and it was 1 am...

Let's start with the characters. Loved them. Loved to hate some of them. I liked how real they felt, especially Robin who had traits both relatable and unfortunate. I completely understood being completely timid until curiosity gets the better of you. Been there. Her cousin's reaction to her arrival at their home and why and how the relationship develops. The awkward family encounters yup been there too. Zylas is still a mystery. And there is nothing like the unknown to cause one of two reactions. Run for the hills or dive in deeper. And with Zylas by her side, Robin manages to do both.

Now for the plot. Great. It had some expected, some unexpected, and some new twists to old legends/myths. I definitely cannot wait to read more about the world this author built. I have so many questions and the answers we do get just draw you in deeper. Then ending had me rushing to return book 1 and grab book 2 and that will be an adventure I will hurry to continue.

The flow was good, no choppy scene skipping. There were not a ton of grammatical errors. All in all one of the best things I have read this year.