A review by hannahmaybookreviews
Why Mummy’s Sloshed by Gill Sims


Title: Why Mummy’s Sloshed
Author: Gill Sims
Publisher: Harper Collins
Pages: 343
My Rating: 5/5

A huge thank you to the author, Harper Collins and Random Things Tours for allowing me to be part of the blog tour!


Jane and Peter have grown up quickly, so quickly that divorced and newly single Ellen is worried what her future has in store for her when they have flown the nest. She is doing her best to keep the family afloat through the chaos of driving tests, GCSEs and A Levels but she is beginning to feel a little overwhelmed and unappreciated from it all, whilst facing the possibility of being made redundant. One thing Ellen is certain of though, is that the bigger the children, the bigger the drink needs to be.

I have honestly fallen in love with every single book in this series, I really could not wait to dig in to this one. They are honestly such feel good reads that are real and relatable. I generally feel like I am in this family’s life, it feels like I have watched the children grow up and I was looking forward to this next journey with them.
The best things about these books are that you can pick then back up easily and as much as I would highly recommend so you get the full story, you don’t have to read all these books to enjoy this one as Gill does a fantastic job at giving you a back story throughout.
I honestly adore Ellen and I have to remind myself that she is not real because I know her fictional character so well and actually, I am a little disappointed that she does really exist! Ellen really is someone I would admire to be, she tackles everything head on and I love how understanding she is and how she parents.
This book and the others are very real and there is something in there about life that everyone can relate to. I especially think though that mothers in particular would really connect with this book and I have recommended and bought these books for the mummies I know.
These books have really been a comfort read for me, this one in particular as I’d love the life Ellen has set up for herself. The drama has been entertaining and amusing throughout and I am genuinely sad that the series has come to and end. I felt this last book did resonate with me on a tender moment, whether this is because the children have grown up now or because it is the last.
Gill Sims is a fantastic, funny and entertaining writer, her comedies in my eyes have been perfect reads. I will keep recommending this series to those who ask for recommendations and I look forward to seeing how Gill Sims moves in the future.