A review by profromance
The Pass by Rebecca Jenshak


Overall Grade: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2

I have loved Rebecca Jenshak’s Valley University romances. While she seemingly completed it with Nathan’s story, The Fake, thankfully, she came back with a best friends-to-lovers story in her newest book, The Pass. And I’ve never been so relieved to go back to Valley for this story.

What I love most about Jenshak’s brand of romance is its relatability. And The Pass has more of this in the story of Tanner and his best friend, Sydney. We find out early in the story that there is deep chemistry between these two; however, miscues and misunderstandings end with Tanner and Sydney as best friends. Two years later, they find themselves at Tanner’s family’s lake house, and their chemistry becomes undeniable. They can no longer look away from all of the traits that they find so attractive in each other. As the story progresses, they explore this new relationship, and you’ll have to read The Pass to find out their ending (not too shocking...it will be a happy one).

What is lovely about this story is its capacity to make us believe that Tanner and Sydney are “meant to be.” That the former ease of their friendship actually does translate into a relationship because the best romances are grounded in a deep abiding familiarity with each other. I love that Jenshak explores this in The Pass. Now, it isn’t without drama in the form of outside influences, but there is a steadfastness to this story that feels uncomplicated and like a warm blanket just out of the dryer on a cold day. There are definitely fireworks between Tanner and Sydney, and Jenshak carefully builds it to a fever pitch before indulging it. She has carefully plotted their story that compels you further into it. There are simply so many great parts of this book that draw you in and make for a perfect afternoon read.

There is a safety in a Rebecca Jenshak romance, a knowledge that her heroes and heroines will endure anything to find a happy ending with each other. Add to that a sprinkling of sports romance and a veritable feast of chemistry, and you have a story such as The Pass. If you are a sports romance-aholic like myself, then you should definitely read this book.