A review by kennedyraine63
Awfully Ambrose by Lisa Henry, Sarah Honey


First of all, this deserves 5 stars for the premise alone. Bad boyfriends for hire to get your family off your back? Absolutely brilliant. I'd been wanting to read this one since it was first announced but kept putting it off because I knew I'd love it and I didn't want it to be over. Alas, as all good things, it came to an end, but not before making me laugh many times (and, at one memorable point, barking out a laugh so loud the cat hopped off my lap), a grand gesture, and all the up and down feels that come along with spending a long weekend with either your family or your "boyfriend"'s family.

Before I even finished this book, before I got to the climax, I already knew that, barring an unsatisfactory ending (which I'm pleased to report was not the case), this had become my new favorite book. I especially loved the juxtaposition between Ambrose's family situation/upbringing vs. Liam's, and how Liam's family didn't care where Ambrose was from, just if he treated Liam right. I loved the foreshadowing of things being mentioned seemingly as an aside and then becoming part of the story. I loved every member of Liam's family--particularly Riley and Grandad, and I loved how the pets in the book were treated as part of the family and had their own personalities. Can you tell how much I enjoyed this book?

I won't say much more out of fear of spoiling things, but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you read this book! It's sweet and funny and fills you with warmth, and I honestly felt like I was right there at the vineyard with Liam's family, despite the fact that I live in a different country and have never been to Australia. I feel like Liam's family is my family now, and I know I'll continue to rely on "Awfully Ambrose" as my comfort book for years to come. <3