A review by grahamclements
Blindsight by Peter Watts


Blindsight is a novel about a crew of scientists commanded by a vampire on a ship run by an artificial intelligence, who are investigating an alien signal eminating from a comet in deep space. For the most part it is hard science fiction, except perhaps the vampire. It is a difficult read due to the plethora of science - some real, some imagined - that occurs in the story. Unless you are a physics professor or spend hours researching the many science concepts mentioned, you are unlikely to know what is real, possible, or just total speculation. It reminded me of reading books written by Greg Egan. It's also difficult to know what is going on because the main POV character often doesn't know either, as he is not up to speed with the science and he is also kept out of the loop. Having said that, there is a wonderful plot about first contact with very different aliens. These are no greys. They appear to be totally uninterested in humans. But are they? The plot keeps you reading while wondering what the hell is going on. Some of your questions are eventually answered, some answers you will have to fill in for yourself, and other questions will just bewilder you. A great read for those who like a challenge.