A review by jpraska006
The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole by Michelle Cuevas


I used this book as a read aloud in my 4th grade classroom and it proved very popular with everyone! Each day I was met with exclamations of "one more chapter!" before we had to put it down and move on.  On top of that, I found myself really loving this book more than I expected as well. 

Michelle Cuevas' The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole gives off some strong A Wrinkle in Time vibes (a book I also love) but it also very definitely blazes its own trail. It's just so incredibly imaginative, fun, sweet, and heart-wrenching all at once. It takes a silly premise and makes it truly poignant and clever.  This was my first time reading anything from Cuevas but I am certain it won't be my last. I'll definitely be getting more of her work to have in my classroom library.