A review by lauraanne9
Completely Yours by Erin Nicholas


***ARC Provided by the Publisher and NetGalley***

1.5 Stars

The sub-title of the series is "Opposites Attract" so I was expecting opposites. Unfortunately, I never really believed the attraction with Kiera, a game designer into cosplay, and Zach, an EMT with a hatred of the gaming lifestyle that he feels is destroying his younger sister's life.

I was hoping for more. A lot of the book felt one dimensional to me, as if the author was using the idea that Kiera was a geek as all of her character. There were moments where a personality was apparent...but for the most part, I felt the stereotype of who Kiera should be, because she is a gamer, was all of who she was. She hit all of the stereotypes, but had none of the nuance that the people who game (I know a few) have in my personal life...so I found that I was not able to connect with her completely. This pulled me out of the story.

I also thought the solution andsituation with his sister and family was resolved too easily for the depth of it. And, I thought his reaction at the end was childish and was actually a bit of a turn off for me. I felt like I was watching the temper tantrum of a child.

That said, I finished this instead of DNF as I liked the premise and I had a lot of hope. Unfortunately, that hope was not realized for this one.

I am not able to recommend this book.

***This and other reviews also featured on “I’m A Sweet and Sassy Book Whore” http://www.imasweetandsassybookwhore.com***