A review by rkkmistry
Inferno by Eileen Myles


Ok I mean obviously you have to take my review with a grain of salt because there’s no way I wouldn’t give this book 5 stars because it’s just everything that I love about books. And I’m not even saying that because of the poetry world connections, it’s just like non-linear, memoir-esque stuff with no plot and a few interesting formal devices with always get my full approval. BUT really I’m here to talk about how I think this is THE NEW YORK NOVEL for me. Like it just NAILS being like a young sort of creative person in nyc in this way that’s so so so good and relatable and inspiring but really it’s just like, yes—that is IT!! Just like the sort of sprawling sense of purpose and time matched with the intensity of work and financial fear and the venues that are always closing and the beers and the trying to do work work always and the “cool” people and social drama and trips outside the city and the random stuff at people’s apartments. And it’s interesting especially because there’s a point where they clearly like have become more famous (given what they’re doing and who they’re hanging with) but it’s also never like there’s some point where they “make it” either. It’s just like life keeps happening and going on and there’s all this stuff. Also of course super interesting to hear about gay and lesbian culture in this moment that is not that long ago and very much informs where we’re at, but is also different in many ways.