A review by nomadtla
The Walking Dead, Book 1 by Robert Kirkman


After finishing the second season of the show I decided to give the graphic novels a chance. I used to read comics a lot but have kind of strayed from it the last few years. This book restores my faith in the medium. It is amazing.

Kirkman really understands that the crux of good zombie fiction is in the humanity of the characters. That is something I noticed in the show and it also stands out in the comics. The Walking dead has a lot fewer zombies then you would expect in a zombie comic. Instead it is about the people and their struggle to retain what makes us human. If we lose our values then we've lost the war and may as well join the zombies because like them we are dead. The nice thing about this book is that it never comes out and says this. There are no characters spouting of moral monologues about justice or compassion. They are just a group of survivors looking for a place to call home and a sense of normalcy. Aren't we all?