A review by lili_victoire
God of War by Rina Kent


I didn’t enjoy this one as much as the others in the LOG series. It felt really drawn out and like it took too much time saying the same thing over and over. I also found the theme boring, which I guess is part of the point given Ava’s state, but I was like ok enough already with the restrictions on her, it was tedious to read, like seeing a play with only 3 actors.

I was also disappointed that with being the big series finale, Eli was really…beige. Where were the kinks? He was mysterious in the other books and this felt like it all lead to nothing, no big reveal etc.

I also wasn’t as into this being the “post university” story while the rest all have the same setting, it felt like it didn’t quite fit and the series dynamic was thrown off.

For positives, I like the pairing of Ava and Eli and finally seeing what their story was after the hints in the other books and I like their mismatch on personalities, but this one just wasn’t my taste. I’d give it 2.75 stars.