A review by blodeuedd
Stormswept by Deborah Martin, Sabrina Jeffries


I did want to hit Rhys over the head a few times, oh you know me, I always want to hit book characters over the head!

Rhys and Juliana met and fell in love, in secret of course. And married, in secret of course. They were enemies after all.

Juliana was sweet and naive. And I did not mind, how could she be any other way?
While Rhys wanted to save his Wales, and could not help falling for her. Though he had some issues.

And this book is all about those issues. See he disappears and comes back with one big chip on his shoulder. And I was all Hold up! You are angry? She could be angry too! And I wish she had been mad too. He is all You betrayed me! And he is so nasty about it. I wanted her to stop explaining and just be that mad too. She had every right. But that was not her.

I also had some fears when I realised it was written in the 90s, cos he was so angry. And well at least 80s book can go a bit too far, but it never did. And I am glad it did not. Rhys is mad, just not crazy.

I must mention that her brother is an ass. And I want to hit him, but at the same time I kind of wanted a book with him. So he could redeem himself, but since it was written 20 years ago then that has passed.

A good book where 2 lovers has to find each other again and find forgiveness and trust. r again and find forgiveness and trust.