A review by elizabethbaker
Until You by Briar Prescott


This book was exceptional and I already want to read it all over again. There were so many beautifully worded and laugh-out-loud moments. I read a lot of romance- like a LOT- and never really think much of my relationship status in relation to what I read, but this book made me feel so single ...in the best way because what Jude and Blake found in each other was so perfect it makes you yearn for it.
The big secrets were pretty simple to see coming but the reveal moment still made my heart ache. I wish the book had been a little longer; the pacing around 80% felt off to me, and kept it from being absolutely perfect, but that's nitpicking with such a great book.

Easily the best book I've read this year (out of 100+) and it's going to be hard to surpass.

Rating: 8/5
Angst 4/5
Steam 2/5
Reread potential 3000% I will absolutely be reading this again soon