A review by fyreprincess
The Sea King by C.L. Wilson


I really enjoyed The Winter King by CL Wilson, and although I haven’t had to wait as long as many other people for the sequel, it was still a tougher wait than I would’ve liked, haha. In The Sea King I was mostly keen about revisiting Khamsin and Wynter because I really loved their story and it was ended with her being pregnant so I wanted to see the continuation of that. But also to read about another of the princesses of Summerlea.

So the world building in this novel is pretty good. This time we get to see more of Mystral and get to explore the land and customs of Calberna. I do love the water so I was super keen to find out about them and their ways. Wilson has done a good job with this, she’s made up an entire race of people and even a language to go with it – which I think is pretty impressive in itself.

The story starts as a continuation of where the last one left off – with the warriors and Sealords of Calberna returning to Wintercraig to court unwed women (per the bargain that Dilys Merimydion made with Khamsin Coruscate). It follows Dilys Merimydion, Prince of Calberna who is super keen to find his liana, or his mate in one of the Seasons of Summerlea. He goes to Wintercraig with the intention of either courting Spring or Autumn, however he finds his mate in Summer, who is supposedly the weakest of the three, but she turns out to be stronger than she looks. A lot of drama enfolds but everything turns out fine. I mean I was kind of upset that Spring and Autumn died because I was keen on reading about their adventures and the loves that they find. Nah all good they lived but now they’re in trouble which sets up the scene for another book.

Dilys Merimydion is a Sealord of Calberna. He stands at nearly seven foot tall and is described as super attractive. He’s the Prince of his land and is on a mission to find his mate. He’s a soldier and has the power to control the water. Also he is super skilled in the sexual arts and oh my lord help me.

Gabriella Coruscate is considered the weakest of her sisters, and we find out that that is only a mask she wears to hide the super amounts of power she has. Turns out, she’s the first Siren to be born in over one thousand years. I got only slightly annoyed at her because she kept pushing Dilys away despite the intense sexual attraction between the two of them. Like I get that you don’t want to love anyone because you think you’ll hurt them but girl get over it.

I mean I did like the way the story progressed except for one thing. WE DIDN’T GET TO SEE KHAMSIN’S KIDS! She gave birth just before Dilys went to save Summer and her sisters and we didn’t even revisit that despite the fact that there were two epilogues.

Anyways, I’m just keen on seeing more of Khamsin and Wynter to be honest. Nah, also Gabriella and Dilys.