A review by sebby_reads
The Guys of Rangoon by Khett Zaw


This book is the current hype in Myanmar book industry. Based on the true events, the book tells the story of infamous gangster Lanmadaw Pho Tote and his rivalries in late colonial era of Rangoon. From Pho Tote’s youth to how he came to be known as the mob boss. His story intertwined with several characters from rival gangs, his followers, the officers as well as some other social elites. The importance of his involvements in Burmese economy and political scenes in those years was told vibrantly, as well.

Personally, I want a narration with better fluidity, not in grace and elegant way of writing but in an engrossing way of storytelling. It is a story about gangsters and thugs however the narrative is too monotonous. If it is not for the background events, this book won’t be a page turner. Plus points for thorough research and reference. Truly impress with that. With these, the writer could do better to mimic the life and essence of these gangsters. 2.5 out of 5 stars.

And who the hell is responsible for the book’s layout or the writer doesn’t know how to break the paragraphs? Breaking after every single line except in dialogues. Come on, you should know that ruins the reader’s pace and interest or did you just Ctr+C and Ctrl+V the facebook posts to send to the offset?