A review by fat_girl_fiction
The Skin Gods by Richard Montanari


I have read a number of Richard Montanari books, but as always, not in the right order. The Skin Gods is the second in the Balzano and Byrne series, and kicks off with a murder being spliced into a video tape of Psycho. Already this setup dates the book as nowadays this crime would be uploaded to YouTube and viral within minutes.
I enjoy both leads, especially when Balzano goes undercover, but for me, this novel was a bit too convoluted, a bit stretched out, with too many names to remember. It was hard to keep track of which body belonged to which victim and how they were related/knew each other.
It also really surprised me that the author was so disgusted by the fact that porn stars exist. He damned them outright. While I'm not saying that it's my cup of tea, I'm a firm believer in each to their own. People can do whatever they like in the bedroom.
Overall, a good premise, but the story line and plot didn't live up to it. I'll probably read more of Montanari's work but it would be nice, if for once it wasn't a serial killer terrorising the streets of Philadelphia. If it happened this often, nobody would live there.