A review by amybraunauthor
Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron


The cover caught my eye. The premise intrigued me. And now that I've read it... I don't even know where to begin. It is PHENOMENAL. A breathtaking, thrilling story packed with adventure, gods, demons, magic, and romance. I cannot get enough, and after finishing the book about an hour ago, and it will stick with me until the next book, which cannot come soon enough.

The plot is fantastic. It was packed with thrills and shocking turns that snared me and had me biting my nails right until the very end. I can't remember the last time a plot enraptured me so completely that I loved it more than the characters!

Which is not to say the characters are bad. Oh no, quite the opposite. Arrah is easy to relate to, sympathetic, strong, and a hero who only became more complex. Rudjek is wonderful and I want to see more of his fierceness and courage. The villains are genuinely terrifying and layered. And Kore... Kore is my queen. I would legitimately read an entire series just about her.

The world and its lore is fascinating. I wanted to know everything about the gods, their magic, the demons, the complexities and relationships between them all. I adored it.

Honestly, I could go on about this book all day. It deserves all the love and praise it's been getting, and more. It is exciting, addictive, thrilling, and led by a strong female character. Every fantasy lover needs KINGDOM OF SOULS on their shelves today. Do not let it pass you by!