A review by blodeuedd
Those We Love Most by Lee Woodruff


When I want to read something with a good story, or good writing, I do try to go for fiction. Not that other genres do not have this, of course they do, but lit fic is just different from the other books I read.

And here it was sad, and made you think...

Maura is walking her kids to school when she looks away for a sec and her son dies in a traffic accident. She blames her self, and she is drifting away from her husband. Her husband Pete who drinks too much, and later drinks even more to drown his own sorrow. Can they ever find their way back to each other.

Then we have her parents, Margaret who is happy at home, and her husband Roger who works a lot and is seeing someone on the side. Margaret was old school who held her tongue and wanted things to look perfect. I could not have done that if I was her. Sure they still loved each other but still..

There are different ways to deal with sorrow, different ways to moving on. The book is not all SAD. Sure it was sad when it happens, but the book is not about death, but about coping with it. And about love, and forgiveness.

I enjoyed it.