A review by infinite_tbr
Kingdom of Exiles by Maxym M. Martineau


It took me a while to find the time to sit down and really get into this story, but once I did, I was hooked. I loved that Leena was not some weak-willed woman who needed a man to save her, nor was she a stereotypical strong-female character who hated love. I also liked that Noc had an actual reason for not wanting to let anyone get close to him, instead of it just being because he thought he was despicable. I liked the world and want to know more about it, but feel like I did understand the rules. The characters were excellent, the romance was nice and didn’t detract from the plot or serve as the only plotline. I liked Leena’s Charmer powers, though at times the beasts/Charmer dynamic felt very similar to Pokemon (not necessarily bad).

I’m really excited to read the next book as I have some questions that I’d like to see answered. Who was Noc before his resurrection? Who put the hit on Leena? And what is going on in Wilhelm? This book definitely delivered as both a romance novel and a fantasy novel.

**ARC provided by the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**