A review by tatyanavogt
Final Girls by Riley Sager


First off this book has a pretty engaging opening so I was pretty into it right from the start. In the book we are following two timelines which alternate between a traumatic event that our main protagonist has blacked out of her mind, and the present time where a friend of our main protagonist has died. A lot of things are going on to keep the story moving and weave a connective thread through different things that you're trying to piece together.

What is it that our main girl is forgetting, what happened to her friend, is she safe? That and many more questions came up during the story and I found myself coming up with possible solutions and excited to get another piece of the puzzle whenever one popped up.

It was interesting, fast paced, and had a few twists and turns that kept you wondering. I really enjoyed it and am really excited to read another Riley Sager.

Here are some plot hole type things that I noticed. Or just random things that I still have questions about after the fact.

The break up with her boyfriend at the end seemed too rushed, and too quick. I feel like it was too abrupt like the author just wanted to resolve it as quickly as possible. The outcome made sense but I felt like a little more explanation about how/why the brake-up happened would have made it feel better. I somehow managed to feel rushed.

I think it was interesting/strange that the cop pretty much went out of his way to not touch or show any affection to her after all those years even though he "fell in love" with her and became strangely protective of her. Also does the fact that he slept with her actually mean anything, that moment where it was implied that he slept with each of the final girls before killing them.

We never found out how the other final girl got a copy of the crazy threatening letter that was sent to our main girl... I don't imagine the cop gave it to her sine he was the one who sent it in the first place.

I also don't understand why she ran towards him. When she realized, IF she actually realized. Why did she go towards him. The recollection made it seem like it was something that she realized at the time but decided to do anyway. I feel like if it was something that she only realized in the end would have made more sense and thats possibly what the intention was but as I was reading it I got the impression that she was aware when it happened. Doesn't make sense after everything she went through, cause it should have meant her death.

There is probably more stuff but that just what comes to mind right now (and its pretty late and I'm falling asleep at the keyboard so I should probably wrap this up).

I like that I believed she had more to do with it than she did, I like that she DIDNT have anything to do with the deaths. I like that the cop was the bad guy because he seemed so safe and secure and I just didn't expect it. I like that the Tina lady wasn't a bad guy..