A review by cavalary
The Born Queen by Greg Keyes, Greg Keyes


This is the end of certainly one of the very best series that I ever read. The story is interesting, the pacing is extremely intense, with next to no filler and very, very little that doesn't actually drive the story forward, and any complaints that may in all fairness be made regarding character development and the huge amount of extremely lucky events that happen to the characters easily get forgotten.
As for the very end... It's a whirlwind of action, a chain nightmare, a series of fever dreams which has been building up all along and suddenly explodes in your face, leaving you gaping and grasping at it, trying, perhaps in vain, to come to terms with all that's going on. When it's all over, all too soon, you'll probably still be at least somewhat confused and perhaps, as Mery put it, "feel a better kind of sad".