A review by veecaswell
In the Night Wood by Dale Bailey


A gothic and well weaved story, In The Night Wood is a book that I heard some hype about it and wanted to check out, as the fairy tale and gothic writing fan I am, and I wasn’t disappointed.

The story’s mood and the atmosphere Bailey creates in this book makes this book such a delve into dark and gothic writing that just works throughout the whole of this tale. Haunting and ever developing, this story develops our characters really well from start of the book giving us an idea of the kind of people they are and it makes for a gripping story.

I feel though the story however takes a bit of time to really get started, and it does I think eventually come into it’s own, but what I find in this book is how the story builds is through the characters but also how Bailey writes about the scenery in this book. How he builds the woods in this book and how he builds the tension and foreboding around the house is done brilliantly throughout the book, making me want to keep reading.

I feel like this is this book is like a grown up version The Hazel Wood, and touches on so much more as this book goes into different themes, like grief, memories and fairy tales. it’s really really good.

(I received an ARC from Netgalley for honest review).