A review by cari1268
Boundless by Cynthia Hand


I'm so disappointed!!! I loved the first two books, but this one let me down on so many levels. The biggest disappointment was definitely the love triangle. For the first time ever, I found myself on the losing end of a love triangle.
Spoiler While I loved Tucker in the first book, I thought the reasons why Clara broke up with him in the second book, were valid. I was actually excited to see an author defy the "one true love" trope. Huge bummer on that end. For a series that focused so heavily on the romance, I was completely let down. It's not that I didn't like Tucker, it was just that he wasn't very present for the last two books. Meanwhile the author established this amazing bond between Clara and Christian. I felt led astray.

Another disappointment was Clara. I liked her in the first two books but she actually annoyed me quite a bit in this one. She was more self-involved and out of touch with her feelings. She was unfair many times to Christian and was a poor friend to Angela.

The last major disappointment was the ending. I felt like everything was too convenient and I hated that everything centered around Clara.
SpoilerIt was fun that her and Christian were supposedly equal in powers. And yet, for the most part, Clara could do a lot more than him, which didn't make sense to me.
The end tied up a little too neatly. I also wanted to see more action.

Even though I closed this book feeling let down, I still enjoyed the world the author created and was addicted enough to finish Boundless within 24 hours.

2.5 Stars.