A review by backonthealex
Where's Waldo? the Boredom Buster Book: 5-Minute Challenges by Martin Handford


I love a good Wimmelbuch and the Where's Waldo? books are some of the best. But The Boredom Buster is so much more than simply finding Waldo in a crowd on each page. Instead, each page has a new challenge and only 5 minutes in which to find the solution. For example, challengers might have to find their way out of a maze, solve word problems, play games, connect some dots, color pictures, test their memory, and of course, search. The book is divided into five sections, each with its own theme. And there are a variety of different places to go to all through the book, from outer space to under the sea, from the past to the present to the future, and to everywhere and time in between, with a little magic thrown into the mix. And as if all that isn't enough, at the end of each section are suggestions for going back through the pages and spotting new things. It's is used a lot at home, but we also took this book on a car trip and for once there was no whining about "are we there yet?' or "I'm bored." And a big bonus was that it even promoted some teamwork when the kids worked on the challenges together. One kid timed while the others worked on a challenge and the job of timer rotated so everyone had a turn.

Pair Where's Waldo? The Boredom Buster Book! with one that has become a favorite of ours this spring and summer Where's Waldo? The Totally Essential Travel Collection for more challenging fun.